It’s really important to us that if you have an allergy you get the information you need when deciding whether to buy a bottle or not.

Some of the products we sell contain ingredients which may cause an allergic reaction. If you are concerned that a product for which information is not yet available may contain something to which you are allergic, please contact us we are happy to advise you. 

Where any product contains cereals containing gluten, crustaceans, egg, fish, peanuts, soybeans, milk, nuts, celery, mustard, sesame seeds, sulphur dioxide or sulphites (above 10 milligrams per litre), lupin or molluscs, we want to tell you all about it.


While we endeavour to provide full and accurate information on our website, there may be occasions where producers have updated their recipe or failed to provide full details of their ingredients and processes.

This may affect factors including the product style and allergen information, and we would advise that you always check the label and not solely rely on the information presented here. If you are at all uncertain about a product then please contact our customer service team before purchase.