Mai Tai


  • White Rum│ 45ml
  • Cointreau Liqueur │ 25ml
  • Fresh lime juice │ 255ml
  • Almond syrup │ 15ml
  • Pineapple or Orange juice │ 50ml
  • Dark Rum │ 15ml
  • Ice
  • Maraschino cherries │ garnish

How to make it:

  • Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, and combine the white rum, Cointreau, lime juice, syrup and fresh juice. Shake for around 20-30 seconds until the liquid is really well chilled.
  • Strain into a glass filled with cubed or crushed ice and top with the dark rum.
  • Garnish with whatever takes your fancy - we love a maraschino cherry, pineapple slice or lime.
  • Enjoy!

Inspiration Coctails

  1. Mai Tai
  2. Old Fashioned
  3. Negroni
  4. Wet Vodka Martini